Free download tl072 pinout
Free download tl072 pinout

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I cant remember his name now, maybe Mike. This was from a service tech at Mesa Boogie. Just for curiosity's sake though, was that bloke on the M/B forum onto something ? Just for curiosity's sake though, was that bloke on the M/B forum onto something ? Will things get messy when a 2604 replaces the TL072 in the IC3 socket because its higher slew rate and current draw ? Thank you, I think I'll just try that and leave the insides unmolested. As deltafred said unless you can find a way to increase the supply voltage to the opamp, your not going to gain any headroom.

free download tl072 pinout

The large variance is Master Volume settings is there to accommodate the clean modes, which will have higher MV settings by nature, as well as the lead mods which will have lower (sometimes very low) MV settings. I ran into this exact situation early on with my use of the Triaxis and this was the fix Mesa recommended. This will also probably mean changing the master volume setting on your other patches to match the lower volume level of the altered patch. If you need further overall volume you can turn your PA up. Groovenut wrote:The most simple fix is turning the master volume down until the clipping on the offending patch stops. Sorry, it won't let me link to that section directly. What do you lads think ? Thank you for your time and help in advance !Īll TriAxis schematics are on Tubefreak, click on "schematics" in the left frame, then on "Mesa/Boogie Triaxis Preamp" in the main frame. The TriAxis is the most important and most expensive piece of gear I own, I wouldn't want to destroy it but if I could get rid of the nasty clipping, it would be perfect ! I feel confident in replacing a TL072 with an OPA2134 as the DIY community accepts that this is a safe swap. Plus, I don't know how it will affect other parts in the circuit, and if this will cause a chain meltdown. So with the higher power, the more heat it will generate. I read that the higher slew rate could cause oscilation, and it has a much higher current draw. It's reputed to have better sound quality and even higher dynamics, but it's not a direct drop in from what I've read. I researched the OPA2134, and in a lot of cases the OPA2604 came up along with higher praise.

Free download tl072 pinout